Our Story

Black Voices from Big Brown was borne of an idea to reveal a hidden narrative that is black achievement at the highest management levels of UPS. The story begins with Ken Jarvis, the first African American package car drive in 1957, who also became the first person of color to enter into management. His story is the springboard for so many others’ tales of Black success that reverberate throughout the UPS family. Each telling reveals a new understanding of the times in which we live, and the company on which we have come to depend.


As Ken’s tale of success and achievement unfolded into a movement of sorts; other African Americans seizing the opportunities a company like UPS was happy to provide. And with this movement came an obligation to reach back to help another person of color rise to the occasion, to realize what was possible. Like the Underground Railroad’s path to freedom, a long hidden secret known only to those who traveled it. Each time a hand reached back, a new thread was added to the tapestry quilt that serves as the backdrop for the moving stories you’ll find within.


29 African American leaders at UPS, innovators and game-changers all, share their stories, weaving together the very fabric of the grand quilt design. Together they guide us through a seldom seen legacy, trial and tribulations turned into empowerment and excellence. Join us as we bring you their voices. Black Voices.

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